Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I have joined the barefoot revolution

I admit that I never put a lot of stock into the whole run barefoot, anti-shoe company, hippy speak surrounding barefoot running. But the book Born to Run really changed my viewpoint on the topic. I also like the mentality that the human foot is the product of millions of years of evolution and we should put a little more trust in it. Anyway, here is the pic of my new Vibram fivefingers Bikilas.

* I do still plan to run occasionally in my Newtons as well as compete in them for longer events.

So its been about 10 months

Looking back at this blog I realize its been about 10 months since I have posted anything here. I can explain that with one simple answer... new job with 80hr+ work weeks. But enough excuses. I recently have decided to pick up my game a little and start getting back into a rhythm. Now I dont have an Ironman as a target but hope to do a couple shorter events next spring.

Anyway, here is a run I did while home visiting my parents as a bit of a kick off to the new workout commitment.